
The internet is a strange and unique phenomenon. I can write in depth articulations of my thoughts, insights and crazy moments of excitement and people (some of whom I don't even know) can read and even respond.  I decided to start writing this blog after reading dozens of other bloggers and felt it was a good way to share what I have been learning and thinking about.

John Piper seems to have a solid set of reasons for blogging that I hope this blog can in some small way match up to.
So here it is, 6 Reasons to Blog...

1. To write.
2. To teach.
3. To recommend.
4. To interact.
5. To develop an eye for what is meaningful.
6. To be known.
Maybe I should introduce myself a bit so we can all get to know each other a bit better in this community of bloggers.  Well my name is Chris Simons (some people call me Topher hence the name of the blog). 
I am…
  • Christian - I affirm that Jesus is my Saviour.
  • Protestant - I affirm the five “solas” of the Reformation.
  • Reformed - I affirm the doctrines of grace, principles known to some as Calvinism.
  • Evangelical - I believe the gospel (which is the original and truest meaning of “evangelical”).
  • Unfinished - Though I find great beauty in traditional Protestantism, I realize that in some areas traditions may not be fully Scriptural.  Where that is the case I am eager to change as the Spirit convicts me through the Word.
I am from Northern Ireland and have spent most of my life at Bloomfield Presbyterian Church, where I have been challenged and equipped for ministry in various areas (sometimes without even knowing).  I am married to the beautiful Joanna who I met whilst at university and we look forward to what God has in store for our future.  We are now members of The House Newcastle where we are learning and serving.

Having been involved in Christian Unions whilst at university I spent a year doing Relay which is a training and discipleship programme aimed at working within the student context and run by UCCF:The Christian Unions. Working with Christian Unions has given me a passion to help Christian students live lives which speak of Jesus and witness to their friends and course mates.